These groups are Connection’s way of doing small groups. We have designed our Community Groups to foster authentic community. We believe that spiritual growth happens best in small communities of believers who are devoted to encouraging one another, praying for one another, and discussing Biblical truth together. 

Our hope and prayer is that each person that calls C3 home will find authentic community via a Community Group. We truly believe that the time you invest in a Community Group will help you grow deeper in your relationship with God and with your brothers and sisters in the church. 

Please check out our groups below and feel free to “test drive” a few. Have questions about a group? Need some help finding the right group for you? Or…..want to get involved in hosting/facilitating a group yourself? That is great! You can get in touch with our groups coordinator right here!


Sunday Night Bible Study

When: Sunday at 6:00 pm
Next Meeting: Jul 21
Where: The Larusso’s home in Bunker Hill
Who: Open to anyone
Childcare: Not for young kids but we meet during ICON!
Facilitator: Beth Larusso
Study: The Gospel of Luke
Average Group Size: 5

Sign me up for The Sunday Night Bible Study!

5K Everyday in May

When: Daily
Next Meeting: May 2025
Where: Group Chat
Who: folks that want to do a 5k everyday in may
Coordinator: Jordan Butler and Jeff Pollen (kinda)
Activity: Do a 5k everyday in May. Occasional group 5k when organized by someone in the group. Uplifting and encouraging group chat to keep you going!
Average Group Size: 13

 Sign me up for The 5K Everyday in May!

Finishing Well

When: Every Other Monday at 6:00 pm
Next Meeting: On summer break!
Where: Bunker Hill
Who: Open to all
Facilitator: Todd Staubs
Host: Janet Myers
Study: Introduction to Grace
Average Group Size: 5

Sign me up for Finishing Well!

C3 Girl Time!

When: First and Third Mondays at 6:30 pm
Next Meeting: Aug 5
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Girls in 3rd through 5th grade
Facilitator: Hayley Miller
Study: God’s love for us and who God tells us we are through His Word
Average Group Size: 9

Sign me up for C3 Girl Time!

C3 Boys Club

When: First and Third Mondays at 6:30 pm
Next Meeting: Aug 5
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Boys in 3rd through 5th grade
Facilitator: Jym Winberg
Study: God’s love for us and who God tells us we are through His Word
Average Group Size: 5

Sign me up for C3 Boys Club!

Young Hearts

When: Every Other Tuesday at 6:00
Next Meeting: Jul 30
Where: Kelly’s house in Inwood, WV
Who: Women ages 18 to 29
Childcare: Kids welcome
Facilitator: Kelly Coghlan
Host: Kelly Coghlan
Study: Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul – Eldredge
Average Group Size: 4

 Sign me up for Young Hearts!

Food For Thought
When: Wednesday at 6:30
Next Meeting: Jul 24
Where: Inwood
Who: Open To Anyone
Childcare: none
Facilitators: Matthew Webster
Hosts: Taking turns!
Study: Revelation
Average Group Size: 14

This group is currently full


Warriors for The Word

When: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 10:00 am
Next Meeting: Jul 24
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Anyone looking to better live out God’s magnificent and beautiful vision for His Church
Childcare: No childcare
Facilitators: Deborah Duncan and Jym Winberg
Hosts: Deborah Duncan
Study: The Book of John
Average Group Size: 8

 Sign me up for Warriors for The Word!

Heart Connect

When: Every Other Wednesday at 6
Next Meeting: Jul 24
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Women 18+
Childcare: Onsite childcare provided!
Facilitator: Cindy Cattlett
Study: The Chosen – Season 3
Average Group Size: 10

 Sign me up for Heart Connect!

The Well

When: Every Other Wednesday at 6:30
Next Meeting: Off for the summer!
Where: Bunker Hill
Who: All are welcome
Childcare: No childcare
Facilitators: Jason Bentley and Doug Stamey
Hosts: The Horner’s and the Piepenbrink
Study: Culture Shock: A Biblical Response to Today’s Most Divisive Issues – Chip Ingram
Average Group Size: 16

 This group is currently full

Financial Studies

When: Thursday at 6:00
Next Meeting: On Summer Break
Where: C3 at the Plant – ICON Room (Upstairs)
Who: Open to anyone
Facilitator: Ryan Rhoads
Study: Financial Peace University – Dave Ramsey
Average Group Size: 10

Sign me up for Financial Studies!

Back Creek Valley Group

When: Every other Wednesdays at 6:00
Next Meeting: On Summer Break!

Where: Back Creek Valley
Who: Open to All – most of us live in the Back Creek area.
Childcare: no childcare provided
Facilitator: Pastor Tim Butler
Host: Colleen and Tim Butler
Study: Path to the Cross – Ray Vander Laan
Average Group Size: 11

 Sign me up for the Back Creek Valley Group!

Women of the Vine

When: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:00
Next Meeting: Jul 24

Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Women.
Childcare: Childcare provided!
Facilitator: Maureen Winberg
Host: Brenda Faircloth
Study: The Gospel According to John
Average Group Size: 6

 Sign me up for the Women of the Vine Group!

The J-Walkers

When: Every other Thursday at 7:00
Next Meeting: On summer break!
Where: The Mattingly’s home in Winchester, VA
Who: Anyone interested in growing closer to Jesus together – in a joyful way.
Facilitators: Gene and Missy Mattingly
Hosts: Gene and Missy Mattingly
Study: Rotating between topical book studies and Books of the Bible studies
Average Group Size: 14

 Sign me up for The J-Walkers!

Grief Share

When: Thursdays at 10:00
Next Meeting: Jul 25
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one
Facilitators: Dennis and Brenda Cunningham
Hosts: Dennis and Brenda Cunningham
Study: The Grief Share workbook is used to accompany each session
Average Group Size: 8


 Click here for more information on Grief Share

The Bridge

When: Thursdays at 6:30
Next Meeting: Jul 25
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: High School Seniors to 24 (or there about)
Childcare: no childcare provided but parents are welcome to bring their kids
Facilitators: Austin Reed and Nick Czaja
Hosts: Austin Reed and Nick Czaja
Study: We’re going to decide as a group
Average Group Size: 12

Sign me up for The Bridge!


Truth Seekers

When: 1st and 3rd Thursday at 6:00
Next Meeting: Aug 1
Where: C3 at the Plant
Who: Open to anyone – large group with traditional adult Bible study feel.
Childcare: no childcare provided
Facilitator: Pastor Rich Sherrard
Hosts: Lin Blandford
Study: The Mission of Jesus – Ray Vander Laan w/ Stephen and Amanda Sorenson
Average Group Size: 24

 Sign me up for Truth Seekers!

Have a question about a group or need some help finding the right one for you? Submit your questions using the form below and we'll get right back to you!