One of the most important things that a church does every week is the children’s ministry. One of our founding elders always used to say, “Children are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today.” What we teach and demonstrate our children from Scripture will drastically impact the direction of church culture over the next 50 to 60 years.

This week I had the privilege of filling in for one of our Kidz Connect volunteers. What I realized this week is that our Kidz Connect ministry is INCREDIBLE. I want to  briefly share with you three things our Kidz Connect ministry does each week and why it should motivate you to invite your unchurched friends to bring their children to Kidz Connect.

  1. Clear Information
    Each week our Kid’s are asked to open up a Bible. They are taught to look at the story for themselves. We don’t just regurgitate a story for them to memorize. We teach them how to analyze the Biblical narrative in context. Our Kid’s are learning how to find books of the Bible, chapters, and verses on their own. We want our kids to know how to find the information for themselves. This method of teaching leads to communicating information clearly.
  2. Christ Centered Message
    When Jesus walked to Emmaus with two of His disciples in Luke 24 He explained to the disciples “starting with Moses and all the Prophets… the things concerning Himself.”The entire Bible is about Jesus. Each week we help our Kid’s understand how every story we teach them from Genesis to Revelation is all about Jesus.
  3. Faith Based Application
    Romans 14:23 says that “whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.”Many churches focus on changing the behavior of their children. They challenge their children to memorize the 10 commandments and to obey their parents or God will be angry with them. Not us!!!

    We teach our children that God is angry with all of us because of our sin. There is nothing that any of us can do of our own strength to change God’s mind. Even if we religiously obey God’s Word we are still sinning because we aren’t obeying from faith. The only way to change the way that God looks at our sin is to place faith in the wrath absorbing sacrifice of Christ.

    This is why we don’t teach behavior modification. We don’t want to change our kid’s behaviors. We want God to change our kid’s hearts through faith in the Gospel.

Our Kidz Connect ministry gets me pumped and I think it should pump you up too!